Below you can find all the most up-to-date information on Lama John’s teaching schedule, as well as other resourses. Season 02 of “Chitta Chat” is in progress, where we’re covering Kamalashila’s classic text, “Stages of Meditation.” Please join us!

Meditation Retreat Day — Saturday April 29th
Join us for another all-day online retreat with Lama John. Come all day or drop in for specific sessions, in two-hour sessions.
7AM to 9AM — Going for refuge in Boddhichitta, including the seven-limb prayer meditation.
10AM to 12PM — A brief talk on overcoming distraction followed by 24-minute calm-abiding meditation sessions with a 6-minute break between sessions.
2PM to 4PM — All day awareness and using the mind as the path
5PM to 7PM — Using the eight worldly concerns to gain freedom from attachment, followed by relaxation practice.
Cost: By donation
Send e-transfer to Lama John at
Zoom Meeting link
Meeting ID: 850 4056 5616
Passcode: 897925
One tap mobile numbers:
+14388097799,,85040565616#,,,,*897925# Canada
+15873281099,,85040565616#,,,,*897925# Canada
Click here to find your local number. Text to 604-845-1597 if you have difficulty getting into the Zoom room.
Sangha Sundays — 4PM to 530PM PST
This is a group discussion class led by Lama John, where you can bring your questions regarding dharma, meditation practice, and so forth. Note that there is always no class every third Sunday of the month due to the retreat day the day before.
Cost: By donation
Send e-transfer to Lama John at
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 851 7441 3688
Passcode: 669738
Meditation Monday — 7PM to 815PM PST
This is a meditation class led by Lama John.
Cost: $15 per class
Send e-transfer to Lama John at
Zoom meeting Link
Meeting ID: 882 3079 0382
Passcode: 398441
Lama John on Patheos
Lama John is now a contributing author for “Buddhist in the City” on the Patheos website. Check out his latest post, “Day by Day to the Selfless Self,” about the nature of selflessness in Buddhism. Please do share to your social medias!